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Can I File Chapter 13 Bankruptcy If I Am Self-Employed?

When you are self-employed, it can seem like there are always new bills and expenses popping up that can take a toll on your business. Taxes, insurance, and other expenses can cause a lot of frustration and financial stress. Though all situations are different, most self-employed individuals are eligible to file for bankruptcy. In order

The Four Most Common Construction Site Dangers

Indianapolis Construction Accident Attorney Construction sites are inherently dangerous and many accidents occur each year. Construction site lawsuits can be extremely complicated due to the number of parties who may hold some liability for your accident. The majority of work-related injuries and fatalities in the construction industry occur in four common types of accidents including

Passenger Rights After A Car Accident in Indiana

If you are a passenger in an Indiana car accident, you have a right to file a claim against the at-fault driver. The at-fault driver could be the driver of the vehicle you were in or that of another vehicle involved in the accident. Passengers rarely have to worry about proving liability, but determining what

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