10 Car Accident Statistics to Remember When You Are on the Road

Car accidents happen on Indiana roadways every day. Texting and driving, drunk driving, distracted driving, and medical incidences all contribute to crashes in and around Indianapolis.  While some accidents can’t be avoided, there are ways you can protect yourself on the roadway. Listed below are 10 statistics regarding accidents on Indiana roadways:

  • The most dangerous day to travel on the road is Saturday. Higher traffic volume leads to an increase in the number of fatal and non-fatal accidents. Friday and Sunday are the second and third most dangerous days, respectively.
  • The deadliest time of day to be on the road is between 4:00pm and 6:59pm. Deaths are 85% higher than those that occur between 7am to 10am, the time period with the lowest number of fatalities. 7:00pm to 9:59pm follows closely behind as the second deadliest time period.
  • The top cause of accidents on the weekend is drunk driving. 26% of all driver involved in fatal accidents during the weekend were alcohol-impaired, compared to 14% on weekdays.
  • Night time car crashes are 3.3 times more likely to occur than day time crashes.
  • In 2017, nearly 16,000 collisions in Indiana involved deer. The highest percentage of deer-related accidents occur in areas outside of central Indiana.
  • There were 219,105 total collisions in Indiana in 2017. Of those, 3,131 involved motorcycles, 144 of which were fatal. Those fatalities represented 13.8% of all fatal collisions.
  • Fatal crashes among drivers under the age of 21 have steadily decreased over the past 10 years. In 2015, there were 120 fatal crashes and in 2017 there were 70 fatal crashes.
  • 1 in 4 car accidents that occur in the United States are caused by texting and driving. Texting while driving is 6 times more likely to cause an accident than driving drunk.
  • In 2017, there were 50,042 non-fatal injury collisions in Indiana. This number decreased slightly from the previous two years.
  • 53% of drivers involved in fatal collisions with a BAC of .08% or higher were on motorcycles.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident on Indiana roadways, contact Bulldog Batesky at (317) 638-8888. We have nearly 30 years of experience fighting for accident victims in Indiana.